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tv   Action News at 530 AM  ABC  November 17, 2017 5:30am-6:00am EST

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45 in philadelphia. 44 in millville. 46 in cape may. a little breezy out there, too. as we go through the day expect a decent amount of sunshine once we get rid of the morning clouds. noon looking bright, 45. sunny at 3:00 p.m., high of 50, that's ten degrees below where we wound up yesterday. karen rogers what you got in early traffic? >> reporter: we're looking live at 130 northbound at 38. in pennsauken we have an accident investigation after a multi-vehicle accident that has 130 shut down him siewk he -- you can see the crews working on the scene. stick to cuthbert boulevard. camden, 676, two lanes blocked one lane getting by at 42. that's created big delays yesterday, that will repeat today. our big story is in west chester. we have franklin street closed between goshen road and ashford
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street barclary friends senior living community with crews on the scene. stick to pottstown pike instead. >> we're staying with that story right now. it's a breaking a frantic rush to pull seniors from a burning building in chester county. at least 20 people were injured by the fire at the barclary friends senior living community. >> the flames broke out before 11:00 p.m. they quickly engulfed the facility. residents evacuated. neighbors filled the streets to help the seniors get water and warm blankets and anything they could do to help them out. jeanette reyes is live at the fire company where relatives are waiting to be reunited with displaced relatives. katherine scott is on north franklin street in west chester. >> reporter: we're waiting for a press conference that will takes place in a half-hour. we'll get more updates. at this point we're hearing at least 20 people were injured. officials have not given out the
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exact number of injuries. we're standing on franklin street. the senior facility is down the street from where we are. there are fire lines stretched across the street and a lot of equipment. they are telling us the fire is under control. let's get video from the fire, it was massive raging through the senior living facility in west chester. again, it is now under control. nearby evacuated residents were lined up along franklin streets. emergency responders were handing them blankets as they waited to be transported to shelters in the area. the west chester fire department was called to the barclary friends senior living community on the 700 block of north franklin street. they were called to investigate a report of smoke. when they got hear they were met with heavy fire conditions. numerous companies responded. they remain on the scene him there were many evacuations and
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rescues by fire and police. officials are not providing much information, they are in the process of gathering it themselves. west chester residents asked them how they could help and he described the scene last night. >> there were a lot of orderly residents wrapped up in blankets waiting for transport and then figuring out the low logistics f where the transport would be. we have several locations. >> reporter: and we don't know how the fire started or where in the facility it began, the cause remains under investigation. we're live in west chester, katherine scott channel 6 "action news." >> katherine, thank you. now, let's switch live to jeanette reyes standing by at the goodwill fire company where relatives are going for information on the displaced. >> reporter: well, tam, many of the residents have actually gone home to simply wait on a update. that could be several hours. you can imagine how difficult it is for them we're getting word
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20 people were injured. these are the injured they saw it on the news, the barclary friends senior living community was up in flames, dozens of seniors were evacuated out into the late-night cold. many in wheelchairs and wrapped in blankets. neighbors who live nearby came by the dozens with food, blanket and other chairs to help in anyway. at this point, we know that seven patients were at paoli hospital. nine at chester county hospital. their conditions are also unknown. in fact many of the questions went unanswered. there was a representative from the health department who was here to provide some kind of information and answer as many questions as they could. the best she could tell them they would have to wait at least they're hours possibly 6 before he they could hear from their relatives. >> i got a phone call from my
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sister who works at chester county hospital and said one of the nurses told her that the facility where my grandmother lives was on fire. right after i got off the phone with my sister i got an alert from channel 6. >> we came out to tried to figure out what we needed to do. >> reporter: the first woman you heard from there, kathleen maloney, she heard from her grandmother she is okay, she is 101 years old. she was taken to a nearby facility. we'll get more information as we get the additional details. as katherine mentioned we'll get an update at 6:00 a.m. this morning. jeanette reyes channel 6 "action news." >> we'll see you then. >> other news 5:35 a.m., police released surveillance pictures in an attempted of two abductions. a man offered money to pump gas for two victims and offered them
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to get into his car. a man approached a bus stop and asked him to perform a sex act and shown him pornographic image also. man in both incidents fled the scene in a silver or gray vehicle. a crash killed a person in camden county, new jersey. the video shows the aftermath near 130 at the airport circle. a car rear ended a jeep setting off a chain-reaction crash. cheers broke out as the school reform commission voted to resolve itself and return the school board to local control. mayor kenny want to replace the commission with a local school board approved by him and city council. it will go into effect next july 1st. >> david murphy has weather, looks like the flags are whipping around the parkway.
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>> reporter: we do, matt, as we look outside, we have clouds in place, dramatic picture this morning, that's big bright area on the lower left is the new soccer field they put up a few years ago. we're expecting the clouds to break up a little bit and we'll wind up with a fair amount of sunshine. starting out coolish in philadelphia. earlier in the week we were in the 30s, this is not too bad. we have a 13-mile an hour wind to deal with, and higher gusts. those winds will get more blustery after sunrise. we're expecting gusts up to 30 miles per hour. a little bit of hold on to your hat weather as we go through the day. some clouds earlier, see how they are breaking up, that's what we are expecting. 40 degrees by 8:00. 42 by 10:00. the clouds breaking up fairly quickly. noon, bright, 45 degrees, mostly sunny by 3:00 p.m., high of 50 degrees, it will be cooler with the wind blowing around,
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chilly today and yesterday. 42 by 6:00 p.m. here the high temperatures across the region. 48 in allentown. 47 in reading, 48 in lancaster. 49 in trenton. 50 for the high in philadelphia and wilmington. 52 in millville. not much different in cape may. 51 degrees there. if you're heading out for dinner and movie, 41 degrees by 7:00. bring a coat because we'll be down to 39 by 8:00. 37 by 11:00. a few clouds developing as we go into the night. one thing he will say, the winds which will be blustery during the day will diminish a little bit during the evening. saturday, clouds getting thicker during the day. can't rule out a spotty shower here or there. mild high of 57 beneath a passing front. at some point later in the day or at night, we'll see the arrival of a steadier rain filling in. everybody gets wet on saturday night. something to plan for if you
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have saturday night plans. for the temple game we have to allow for light rain during the game. bring rain gear and check out chris sowers weather report before you go down. 52 in the first quarter and 54 in the 4th quarter. clouds and sun on sunday, gusts up to 35, 40 miles per hour. a chilly afternoon high of 52. hold on to your hats. the next three days bluster, especially strong wind possible early on sunday i would say. 50 degrees sunny and windy today. tomorrow, rain arriving, 57 degrees. windy and cool on sunday, 52 there. monday, 47. we bounce back to 56 under partly sunny skies on tuesday, that's not bad. wednesday is the big travel day we talk about, people heading to and fro no big issues. early parade viewers you'll be
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getting up around dawn could be in the mid to upper 30s heading to the parkway. 48 in the afternoon. we've had worse, it's dry, chilly thanksgiving. >> you need a little bit more air at inflation station. >> reporter: probably true, matt. look at you you've been paying attention. >> two women are accused of trying to improve their grades at a local community college by hacking into the computer system. it was strange for police when the suspect started dancing when he pulled over. see how the police said that's it no soul train line we're ending this right now. a new poll reveals what people really want and giving it to them won't cost you a thing. >> reporter: it won't cost a thing? it's not on my kids' list. west chester a little bit of volume here heading toward 100.
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we have a fatal accident investigation close ago road in new jersey. details on that next.
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>> an update on our big news story arc multi-alarm fire ripped through a senior community in west chester. it is now under control.
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chopper 6 hd was over the scene as flames shot high above the barclary friends senior living community. it predecessor to multiple buildings nearby of red cross is helping residents who were forced out into the cold overnight. family members are waiting on word where their loved ones were taken and how they are doing. >> karen the pictures of the elderly people sitting on the side of the road, i'm hoping everybody is going to be okay. >> reporter: it's hard to look at, we just moved my mom into a senior facility, i can imagine what they are going through. prayers and thoughts with them right now. 130 northbound at route 38 in camden county we have an accident investigation going on. you see the crews on the scene, so 38 is moving, 130 is shut down because of a fatal accident that happened last night. a multi-vehicle accident they are still on the scene, they are blocking 130 northbound which is kind of a big deal in camden county. stick to cuthbert boulevard
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because all lanes are blocked right there. another issue in camden, 676 at route 42. we have construction do you see the cones set up. only one lane gets by. it's not looking too bad at the moment. this is stacked later with the construction still out there. it blocked two lanes that will be causing problems as volume increase on admiral wilson boulevard. the benjamin franklin parkway, the outer lanes were closed between 20th to 25th from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the afternoon as they set up for the philly marathon. 21-mile an hour gusts in allentown. 25 in trenton. 24 in lancaster. you might see debris on the road out there. 38 in quakertown. 41 in malvern. 45 in center city. 42 in hammonton. 43 in glassboro for the students at rowan university, tam. >> a new jersey murder suspect
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who escaped a juvenile detention center is back in police custody. authorities recaptured 18-year-old michael huggins in atlantic city yesterday, huggins and three others escaped the youth detention center in egg harbor industry -- egg harbor city wednesday. they stole a guard's car and crashed it. they are back in custody. two women broke into a school's computer network to exchange grades. they were accused of using the stolen data to access the college computer system. she changed not only her own grades, but other grades for other students in the micro biology class. all the grades were restored to the correct level. a cloud hangs over senator
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bob menendez. ethics committee is weighing into whether to try the democrat. he is up for re-election next career.
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jardiance is the only type 2 diabetes pill proven to both significantly reduce the chance of dying from a cardiovascular event in adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease... ...and lower your a1c. wow. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. what do you think? i think it's time to think about jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. and get to the heart of what matters.
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home of the largest craft brewery in philadelphia. credit cards officially opened their new brewery and taproom in northern liberties. "fyi philly" got an early look inside, here's chris sowers with a look at the 70,000 square foot facility on spring garden street. >> yards brewing is growing.
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>> we are 70,000 square feet. >> reporter: tom keyo found credit cards 20 years ago. >> the godfathers of philadelphia craft brewing. >> we're part of the yards family. >> this place will let us grow. >> reporter: the new facility has a brand new taproom. the taproom offers a full kitchen experience. >> we wanted to make sure that the menu reflects that. this is the slow roasts pork belly kabobs bring flavor to the evening. you can eat and drink in the beer lovers paradise and expect more yards brewing then ever enter. >> we'll try to ramp up in a few hours, $100,000. right now we're doing 45,000. >> here's to the expansion. for "fyi philly" i'm chris sowers. >> why didn't i get to do that story. >> reporter: we hosted the whole
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show there. you'll see it on saturday, i'm kind of excited. every picture i have of me these days has me holding a glass of something. we have police on the scene, 422 westbound past oaks with the new accidents. mass transit, though, friday i have to give you some good news on time, dave. >> reporter: 45 in philadelphia. 44 in millville. 42 in trenton. a bit of a breeze, 13-mile an hour currently if -- in philadelphia. we're looking for gust as high as 30 miles per hour. gufort -- blustery and cooler today. the high today 50 degrees at 3:00 p.m.
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winds a factor, fairly sunny. the winds diminishing later tonight. we drop into the 30s, plan on bringing a coat if you're heading out on the town. >> a public artist is putting a positive spin on street signs in california. he wanted to make the money -- mundane more interesting. the signs are in glendale only in parks, not on the roads for safety regions.
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(♪) it all starts with a wish. the lincoln wish list event is here. sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down and a complementary first months payment.
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>> welcome back, taking a live look out across penns landing over to the ben. it is 5:55 a.m., 45 degrees for you, but it is friday! >> a texas suspect put his hands where police could see them, then things got strange. the arrest took place at the end of a 20-mile police chase through houston. the driver followed orders and got out of the car and immediately broke out into a type of dance. when the man moved closer to the freeway, police released a k-9 on the on the man and took him into custody. a survey shows many people
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would rather skip the gifts this holiday season. many would give up giving gifts if friends and family would agree to it theres the rub. 43% say they are pressured to overspend and 60% said they would rather spend time with family and friends. i can understand its kind of out of control. >> do not spend it on me, give me your love. >> i will, because i know you're not going to spend anything on me. >> smash and grab at a philadelphia police. >> we have breaks news -- breaking news on a senior living community fire that's coming up after the break. >> good morning everyone it is
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6:00 a.m. on this friday, november 17. >> and we are following breaking news, a massive fire ripping through the barclary friends senior living community in west chester injuring at least 20 people. this is what it looked like just about absolutely everything out there incinerated going up in flames. we have live team cover annual this morning. in fact we're waiting on a news conference with officials for an update. >> in fact there's a live picture of the news conference stationed outside the fire scene. as soon as we see officials approach the podium we'll tune in and try to find out more information. 20 injuries and many more not connected with their relatives yet. >> we'll keep an eye on that and go over to david murphy and karen rogers with a sense of accuweather and traffic this morning. >> reporter: looking at the
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weather center we have cloud cover expecting to break up and sunshine roaring in. 41 in trenton. 41 in reading, 44 in philadelphia. 42 in millville. a little bit breezy and cool out there. 45 degrees by noon, lots of sun there, 3:00 p.m., mostly sunny, high of 50 today, that's ten degrees cooler than yesterday, blustery wind making it feel chillier. as you head out on the town, 41 degrees and dipping in the 30s from there. karen what have you got on the roads. we have an accident with the deer 202 parkway and 309. crews on the scene, slow it down there. we have a fatal accident investigation blocking 130 northbound at 38. as we look live we have police on the scene. they are allowing traffic to get by, 130 northbound that's a big


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